Oh hey


Oh hey, I’m back, and it feels so good.

So I’ve neglected my blog and the guilt is real. I’ve been caught up in a whirl wind of working life with a busy, stressful, full time job mixed with a busy fun social life- I’ve neglected my writing and I’ve really missed it.

I want to start again, and I feel two years on I have so much more credible life advice and experiences that hopefully my readers (you guys) will actually enjoy but importantly if you can take anything positive away from here then I’ll be one happy lady.

A gift of the gabb will be taking a turn for some simple fun life experiences, I feel this is the best I can offer, I have many a story I’m sure at least one of you can relate to (or least I hope so otherwise I’m on my own with this).

From the jump of uni life into full time work. Staying put in a city and having friends move on to new cities, dating and the worldwind on tinder and bumble – sit back I have some great ones- some mine, some friends, but most result in a WTF ending.

To adulting and doing adult things like buying a house spending my weekends building flat packs from Ikea and how I still don’t think I’m old enough to be doing this- ok I’m done being an adult can we rewind to getting annoyed when mum walks in at 8am on a Saturday morning in my bedroom and expecting a full blown conversation? No mum I don’t know what I want for dinner tonight I’m critical right now and still unsure of how I got home please leave my dungeon.

Oh lord at 23 I still feel 18 at heart and don’t we all. Can you believe people born in the 90s, like me, could be turning as old as 27 this year…. I hear you – holy mother of s**t.

In addition to this new me I’m going to give vlogging a shot, its unknown territory so please cut me some slack I’m used to talking people to bordom but now with this I get to push the stop button! I hope you make it past the minute mark….

Stay tuned and again thanks for reading on, watch this space.

Love Gab


Where has your post university life taken you? Year out…full time job?

Let me know what you think!

Tweet me @gabriellejdunn